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Top 10 Trending Healthcare Mobile Apps of 2020

June 8, 2020

The global digital health market is evaluated to reach over $200 billion before the finish of 2020, with an anticipated 41% CAGR for the  mobile health market according to...

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How SoftClinic’s EHR Benefits Your Clinic or Hospital?

March 29, 2020

In the healthcare space, proper organization of data and impeccable communication are of utmost significance. Especially in cases of critical conditions and emergencies, the availability of required information in...

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#Covid19 Symptoms & Guidelines by WHO | SoftClinic HMS Software

March 24, 2020

Covid19 pandemic has challenged the whole world and especially the medical industry. Our heroes (Doctors and nurses) are fighting 24/7 to save millions of people. Being into the medical...

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SoftClinic- A Digital Transformation Tool for Traditional HealthCare Organizations

January 25, 2020

The healthcare industry is unquestioningly one of the biggest beneficiaries of technological advancements in modern times. Technology has the power to save lives and enhance the quality of care...

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How SoftClinic Helps you Simplify your Hospital or Clinic Operations?

January 25, 2020

A modern healthcare establishment like a hospital or clinic requires an efficient staff to manage various operational aspects. Even with the most committed staff members, sometimes, hospital or clinic...

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How to Start a Paperless Clinic with SoftClinic Hospital Management System?

January 25, 2020

With an increase in digitization, there has been a growing need to go paperless across many industries including healthcare. Today, doctors and healthcare agencies are actively adopting digital mediums...

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Patient Care and Operational Efficiency- the ingredients of success for healthcare organizations

November 9, 2015

Improving Operational Efficiency in Healthcare with Integrated Information Systems The healthcare industry is going through a much-needed transition phase. More and more healthcare establishments- private clinics, hospitals and nursing...

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