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patient virtual care

4 Undeniable Benefits of Virtual Care for Both Patients and Doctors

October 25, 2020

Virtual care is a paradigm in which patients consult doctors and physicians using long-distance communication technology such as videoconferencing, telephone or a mobile app. Built with advanced tech tools...

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring & What is the right Software

September 18, 2020

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is an emerging field wherein clinicians and doctors remotely monitor health data as collected by smart wearable sensing devices used by the patients. The approach...

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opd software

The Need for Smart OPD Management Software in Post-COVID World

August 24, 2020

The novel contagion had taken the world by surprise. With the numbers reaching over 23 million now and the new patients increasing rapidly each day, the medical fraternity stands...

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COVID-19 Proved, Telemedicine is the future of Healthcare

July 18, 2020

With rampant lockdowns, social distancing and restrictions being imposed on public services, Healthcare has no option but to go digital. Meet Telemedicine, which is the telecom equivalent of healthcare....

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telemedicine software

Features that Your Online Telemedicine Platform Must-Have

June 21, 2020

In the era of social distancing, Telemedicine is helping people access healthcare from the safety of their homes. According to the American Hospitals Association, 67% of US Hospitals use...

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COVID-19 & Telemedicine Growth- Start Providing Virtual Care to your Patients

April 18, 2020

The impact of Coronavirus across industries has been mostly negative, but there is one sector that is facing both boons and banes of it. The healthcare sector. The pandemic...

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