patient experience

What Do Patients Really Want From Their Healthcare Providers

May 5, 2022

Every patient trusts their doctor to keep their well-being in mind while treating them. The doctor-patient relationship must be a healthy one so that the patient can work on improving their health with the medicines and treatments prescribed by their doctor. Good doctor-patient relationships focus on transparency about the diseases and the methods used to cure them.

If their doctor is a good one, the patient might even refer their doctor to their friends so that everyone can benefit from them. How the doctor behaves can really change the way the patient views the doctor no matter how good their treatment is.

There are several things patients want from their doctor so that healthcare management becomes easier for them. Let us take a look.


Patients require doctors that pay attention and actively listen to them. If the doctor truly shows interest in the patient’s well-being, the patients will be more comfortable opening up to the doctor about every single health issue they face. It could be anything from myths to taboos or sensitive topics that they might only feel comfortable talking about with someone they trust. To provide the best healthcare for their patients, doctors must make an active effort to earn their trust and also respect it in the long term.


Doctors are human beings too. Sometimes, they might not know about a certain illness or disease. In such a scenario, they must be open about it with their patient. It is completely okay for the doctor to be unsure about a certain diagnosis or illness. The treatment might even possess a risk. Whatever the situation, the patient must be informed about it. While doctors are humans and can make errors as well, all efforts should be made to not allow that error to happen. The doctor must apologise if an error is made and try to rectify the situation.

Also Read: Automate your Clinical Workflow Effortlessly with SoftClinic Software

Doctors must actively listen

One-sided conversations are a big no. The same goes for ‘conversations’ that seem like lectures about the patient’s lifestyle. Patients need doctors who believe in them and their opinions and give medical advice accordingly.


Doctors must be intuitive about their patient’s needs without them having to ask for it. For example, arranging water so that they will not be thirsty. No matter how modern the healthcare facility is, if the team cannot give the patients basic respect, then the business will eventually tumble.

Patients dislike waiting for long for an appointment only for it to end in five minutes. However, the patients will not mind waiting if the doctors give them what they need from the appointment.

Clear communication

Every diagnosis has certain instructions a patient must adhere to during the course of the treatment to help them recover from their illness. Doctors must ensure to communicate clearly and write down the instructions clearly so that the patient can comprehend and remember them. If the instructions have many complex terms, they should be simplified and made easy to understand.


Empathetic doctors tend to connect with their patients on a personal level that is a win-win for both sides. To connect with patients on a personal level (only if they are comfortable with it), doctors may ask questions about their:

  • Daily schedule
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Personal histories

Depending on the type of medication, there may be side-effects or risks. It is the doctor’s duty to inform their patient about the same. When patients feel a connection with their doctor, they tend to take the treatment more seriously.

Amount of time given

Regardless of the gravity of the situation, some doctors choose to keep a fixed time for every appointment. Some patients may be in grave situations and they may need a listening ear. In such cases, doctors must be flexible enough to give them more time so that the patient can go home satisfied. If the patient feels that the doctor really cares, they will definitely return again.

Ease of access

For doctors wondering if they are easily accessible to their patients, here are a few points worth considering:

  • Am I available to see patients in person in emergency situations post working hours or on my lunch break?
  • Am I available on text or call if it is urgent?

Similarly, doctors and hospitals must evaluate how long their patients are waiting for their test results. If they are waiting weeks, consider upgrading to hospital management software that can help maintain electronic health records (EHRs) digitally. This will ease out the logistics and improve the TAT of the tests.

Effective collaboration

Doctors may suggest certain tests or treatments. However, they need to understand that the patients understand their bodies better than them. Hence, patients have the right to refuse a certain type of treatment and ask for an alternative solution. If a certain doctor cannot provide it, the patients have the right to choose another doctor. Once the patient consents to treatments of their choice, the doctor may proceed.


These are some of the top things that patients want from their doctors. To improve personalisation and provide your patients better service, consider upgrading to a hospital management software that automates a lot of monotonous tasks. This way, you will be able to focus more on your patients’ requirements.